Returns Policy

If you haven't received a returns label in you order, contact us to obtain one. No responsibility or refund can be made for items lost or stolen whilst in transit to us. All returns are usually processed within 72 hours of receipt. We will only accept returned products that have been authorized for return by our technicians. When Returning your product please include full details of the fault and full contact details. In accordance with your statutory rights, you are responsible for returning the goods and covering the cost of return in any situation.

Order Errors (yours) In the unlikely event that you have ordered items you did not want, and have not been in touch before they are picked and dispatched, returns may be subject to a 20% restocking fee

Picking Errors (Ours) In the unlikely event that the goods you have received do not reflect your order, please accept our immediate apologies and allow us to correct the situation. Please contact us on 0117 9353300 so that we can arrange for the correct products to be sent to you.

Picking Errors (Manufacturer) If you suspect that your pre-packaged goods have missing or incorrect items please contact us on 0117 9353300

Damaged in Transit If you suspect your product to have been damaged in transit please contact us on 0117 9353300 so that we can arrange a replacement.

Warranty Repair If you suspect your product to be faulty within its warranty period please call us on 0117 9353300 to arrange a warranty repair.

Due to the nature of the products we sell, Titan Forge Airsoft does not offer a refunds on RIF’S, air systems or bb’s. For a refund on other unused items send the items back to us at Black Ops Airsoft, Sand Point Farm Cottage, Beach Road, BS22 9UD. This does not affect your statutory rights.

Non-Faulty Goods. Under the Distance Selling Directive, you have the right to return your goods for a full refund as long as you notify us within 7 working days from the day after you receive the goods. Used guns are non-refundable, unless it is found to be faulty. You will need to call us for an authorisation number for a return.